
Ressuscitando posts passados

.:: Compare a frieza, a serenidade e a impassividade das expressões inglesas com o objetivo linguajar brasileiro para situações idênticas!

- I'm not absolutely certain that this will be possible.
- Nem fodendo.

- Great! Awesome! Terrific!
- Puta que pariu!

- Of course I'm not concerned by this turn of events.
- To cagando e andando pra isso.

- Unfortunately I wasn't involved in this project.
- Mas que porra eu tenho a ver com esta merda?

- It's going to be tough to work out these last few glitches.
- Nao vai dar nem a pau.

- We really need to work on our internal communication.
- Puta merda! Viado nenhum me fala porra nenhuma.

- He isn't completely up to speed on this.
- O cara é um bosta.

- They weren't completely happy with the way this whole thing turned out.
- Bando de filhos da puta!

- I'm not sure I'm going to be of much help to you on this.
- Foda-se! Se vira!

- I truly welcome challenge.
- Ô trabalhinho de corno!

- We really need to develop better training programs.
- Ah! se eu pego o filho-da-puta que fez essa cagada!

- Our key productivity measures are biased to the downside.
- Esta merda tá indo pro caralho.

- This project is going to underdeliver our expectations.
- Agora fodeu de vez.

- I'm sorry, I probably should have warned you.
- Eu sabia que ia dar merda.

- The trading environment has deteriorated somewhat.
- Vai sair cagada de novo.

- Before switching on the new equipment, proper training must be given.
- Vou dar porrada no viado que puser a mao nesta merda.

- We really need to drive productivity.
- Ô cambada de vagabundos que nao quer porra nenhuma com o batente.

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